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Alliant Systems Selected for PPS Benson MPG Building

Alliant Systems was selected to perform the HVAC installation for the new Portland Public Schools Multiple Pathways to Graduation (MPG) Building, which will be located on the Benson High School Campus.

Alliant Systems is proud and excited to be part of the construction phase of the new Multiple Pathways to Graduation (MPG) building program for Portland Public Schools (PPS). Alliant will be performing the HVAC systems installation for the new facility, which will consolidate a number of schools into one shared campus. The project components currently include offices, gym and multipurpose areas, library, custodial, teen parent daycare facility, and classroom space. The design, conceptualized by Bassetti Architects, reflects that of a treehouse and will nestle within the large existing oak trees on site and connect the students with the nature around them.

Visit for more information.


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